Bmwusedspares is based in London .We have a great passion in selling BMW parts,which comes from our love of BMW cars
A decision was made in 2015 to move our Bmwusedspares business Online.Giving BMW car owners,an opportunity to purchase their used parts online which would be at their finger tips.By typing in your part number number you may see a picture of your used parts which is very helpful in most cases.
We would help you to source those difficult parts through our other partners.
We have Old and some New parts.on all the BMW RANGE has been selling BMW parts for 15 years. An independent, small and reliable Bmwusedspares business specializing on anything BMW.
We carry out:
Engine repairs
Gear box repairs
Diagnostics (auto logic).
Resetting air bag light.
Engine management light is on.
Reprogramming used parts.
Reprogramming E C U.
E C U Updates.
Steering light is on.
You can find us on Facebook,Instagram,twitter